Our research team has focused on targeted neuromodulation for over 12 years. For many of them, our attention has been drawn to the unmet need of hypertension management. There are 1.28 billion patients in the world, and the blood pressure control efficacy rate is less than 20% with medication and lifestyle modifications.
通过研究肾动脉消融 (RDN) 手术,这是一种消融肾动脉交感神经以控制顽固性高血压的手术,我们发现了一种可行的替代方法。 延髓腹外侧 (RVLM) 的部位会影响交感神经活动和血压,可以通过手腕的周围神经进入。 采用高精度、无创电脉冲,可抑制交感神经活动,控制血压。